Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chapter 7; Friday, February 26th (movies: questioning the media)

1.) Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parent's or grandparent's earliest memory. Compare the different experience. 

(response to question #1) 
My earliest memory of going to a movie is, going with my mom and little brother to see A Bugs Life at the Carmike movie theater. My mothers greatest movie memory, is The Wizard of OZ. She recalls average black and white film, the type she had been used to since she was a little girl. The brilliant colors of "OZ" amazed her and the movie became a Thanksgiving day tradition in her family for as long as she can remember. Every Thanksgiving my mother, my brother and I sit down together and watch The Wizard of OZ. My experience with my first movie was in a theater, watching an animated film filled with color with my mom and brother, my mothers experience with movies were black and white, and then, in color, on a sofa with her family at home. Both of our experiences were with family. 

2.) Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to watch? Discuss the experience

(response to question #2) 
Yes. I remember being at a friends house for a sleepover, when I was in middle school. My mother isn't the strictest parent but when she does have rules, she enforces them, and expects them to be respected and followed. Meanwhile, my friend informed me that she had a movie called Water Boy with Adam Sandler, I remembered my mom telling me specifically that this movie was "not for children's eyes" and a "grown up movie." So, I did what any middle schooler would do... I watched the movie. I remember, that I was not impressed. I remember being let down, this was something that I took a chance on. I could have gotten In trouble with her. Its was a silly movie that didn't even make since to me then. I look back and laugh, and after telling my mom about my experience several years ago, she laughed. Water Boy certainly never made it to the "Top Ten" list of 2000, let alone any year. 

3.) How often do you go to the movie theaters today? How often do you play DVD's on a T.V. at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?

(response to question #3)
Attending the movies is a special occasion, usually on a date, or with friends, and family. This treat usually occurs once a month, maybe more often if I'm lucky. I play DVD's on the T.V. at home, more often than I go to the movies, it is more convenient and comfortable; as well as more affordable, viewing movies at home becomes a theme, movie nights bring the family and friends close together and make it possible to share an experience... the movie can be paused for snack, and bathroom breaks. There is also a greater choice... old classics, or new releases, the group is able to make their own decisions. I prefer to watch movies at home. While, going out to the movies is a treat, the comfort and convenience of a home movie wins every time. 

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